Thycotic Python REST API – Create New Secret

Required Python Modules

Python version 2.7.10 is not exactly required, but it is the version being used.

  • requests==2.20.0
  • python==2.7.10

Variables or Data Needed Before Running


  • Thycotic admin username that has privileges to add new secrets.


  • Thycotic password for the admin username


  • Thycotic secret server FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name)
  • ex.


  • This is the name of the new secret that you are going to create.
  • It can be whatever you want.


  • The default “password” template has a field for username.
  • Although it is not used for any purposes in this template, you can either enter the associated password for reference or just enter username


  • This is the new secret password.
  • Enter whatever you want the new secret password to be

templateId (not required)

  • For this code I have used the default password template ID (2) that is included with the default install of secureServer. If you want to change it, that is up to you, but will have to edit the code to make sure the new data variable in the createSecret method is updated to include all the different fields for the different template.


  • The folder ID where this secret should be saved.
  • To find the folder ID:
    • Login to your secret server
    • Click the folder where you want to have the new secret saved
    • Click the edit button
    • The folder ID will be displayed in the URL or address bar
      • The below example has a FolderId of 5804

How to Run and Add New Secret

  • Get to a command prompt where you can run python
  • Enter python
  • The code will then prompt you for all of the above input or variables.

Code Example Run

prompt# python 
Enter Thycotic Username: myusername
Enter Thycotic Password: ************
Enter Thycotic FQDN (ex.
Enter New Secret Name: newSecretfoo
Enter New Secret Username: foo
Enter New Secret Password: ************
Verify New Secret Password: ************
Enter Folder ID where this Secret should be Saved: 5804

The Code

  • Save Code as
import requests
import json
import getpass
import traceback

class Secure(object):

    #server fully qualified domain name
    # Where your thycotic server application is installed
    appPath = '/secretserver'

    def __init__(self, username, password, serverFQDN):
        self.serverFQDN = serverFQDN
        self.username = username
        self.password = password
        url = "https://{}{}/oauth2/token".format(self.serverFQDN, self.appPath)

        payload = {'username': self.username,
                   'password': self.password,
                   'grant_type': 'password'

        headers = {
            # 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip,deflate',
            'Accept': 'application/json',
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',

        response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers)
        if response.status_code >= 400:
            raise Exception('Token ERROR: {}'.format(response.text))

        self.token = json.loads(response.text)['access_token']

    def createSecret(self, secretName, secretUsername, password, templateId, folderId):
        url = "https://{}{}/api/v1/secrets/".format(self.serverFQDN, self.appPath)
        headers = {

            'authorization': "Bearer {}".format(self.token),
            'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip,deflate',
            'Accept': 'application/json',
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',

        data = {u'requiresComment': False, u'enableInheritPermissions': True, u'isOutOfSync': False,
                u'checkOutEnabled': False, u'allowOwnersUnrestrictedSshCommands': False,
                u'checkOutChangePasswordEnabled': False, u'enableInheritSecretPolicy': True,
                u'autoChangeEnabled': False, u'sessionRecordingEnabled': False, u'lastHeartBeatStatus': u'Pending',
                u'restrictSshCommands': False, u'active': True, u'isDoubleLock': False, u'siteId': 1,
                u'folderId': folderId, u'items': [
                {u'isNotes': False, u'fieldDescription': u'The URL or location where information is being secured.',
                 u'isPassword': False, u'isFile': False, u'filename': None, u'fieldName': u'Resource',
                 u'itemValue': u'', u'fileAttachmentId': None, u'fieldId': 60, u'slug': u'resource'},
                {u'isNotes': False, u'fieldDescription': u'The name assocated with the password.', u'isPassword': False,
                 u'isFile': False, u'filename': None, u'fieldName': u'Username', u'itemValue': secretUsername,
                 u'fileAttachmentId': None, u'fieldId': 61, u'slug': u'username'},
                {u'isNotes': False, u'fieldDescription': u'The password used to access information.',
                 u'isPassword': True, u'isFile': False, u'filename': None, u'fieldName': u'Password',
                 u'itemValue': password, u'fileAttachmentId': None, u'fieldId': 7, u'slug': u'password'},
                {u'isNotes': True, u'fieldDescription': u'Any comments or additional information for the secret.',
                 u'isPassword': False, u'isFile': False, u'filename': None, u'fieldName': u'Notes', u'itemValue': u'',
                 u'fileAttachmentId': None, u'fieldId': 8, u'slug': u'notes'}], u'name': secretName,
                u'secretTemplateId': templateId}

        response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))
        if response.status_code >= 400:
            raise Exception('create Secret ERROR: {}'.format(response.text))

if __name__ == '__main__':
        thycoticUsername = raw_input('Enter Thycotic Username: ')
        thycoticPw = getpass.getpass('Enter Thycotic Password: ')
        serverFQDN = raw_input('Enter Thycotic FQDN (ex. ')
        doIt = Secure(thycoticUsername, thycoticPw, serverFQDN)
        secretName = raw_input('Enter New Secret Name: ')
        secretUsername = raw_input('Enter New Secret Username: ')
        # Generate new Password
        password = getpass.getpass('Enter New Secret Password: ')
        vpassword = getpass.getpass('Verify New Secret Password: ')
        while password != vpassword:
            print('Passwords do not match!')
            password = getpass.getpass('Enter New Secret Password: ')
            vpassword = getpass.getpass('Verify New Secret Password: ')
        templateId = 2
        folderId = raw_input('Enter Folder ID where this Secret should be Saved: ')
        doIt.createSecret(secretName, secretUsername, password, templateId, folderId)

About Daniel Fredrick

Technology enthusiast, Programmer, Network Engineer CCIE# 17094

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2 Comments on “Thycotic Python REST API – Create New Secret”

    1. Those were pulled probably from a “GET” and I didn’t scrub them out because I am lazy. This code still works to this day and haven’t had any issues. I think it could be removed if you wanted to clean it up. The API ignores them regardless. Let me know other wise.

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